Biden Admin Ties Federal Funds for School Lunches to Gender Identity

The Biden Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced that all state and local agencies that receive federal funding for meals, a category that includes schools, must not discriminate based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

In a press release dated May 5, the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) announced it would now interpret the ban on discrimination based on sex included in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and food-related legislation and programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly the Food Stamp program, to include sexual orientation and gender identity.

The interpretation means schools that receive funding through the federal school lunch program could face the loss of those funds if they prohibit biological males who claim to identity as female from using girls’ bathrooms.

Biden Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack said in a statement:

USDA is committed to administering all its programs with equity and fairness, and serving those in need with the highest dignity. A key step in advancing these principles is rooting out discrimination in any form – including discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. At the same time, we must recognize the vulnerability of the LGBTQI+ communities and provide them with an avenue to grieve any discrimination they face. We hope that by standing firm against these inequities we will help bring about much-needed change.

As a result of USDA’s interpretation of sex discrimination, the agency says all “state and local agencies, program operators and sponsors that receive funds from FNS must investigate allegations of discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation.”

“Those organizations must also update their non-discrimination policies and signage to include prohibitions against discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation,” the notice states.

The move is part of the Biden administration’s push to embed gender ideology into federal law.

On the day of his inauguration, Biden signed an executive order that seeks to fight perceived discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation.

Biden’s effort to normalize the transgender lifestyle has even included an endorsement of “gender-affirming care” for children and adolescents who claim discomfort with their biological sex. Such “care” includes the administration of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and body-mutilating surgeries such as elective double mastectomies and castrations.

“Whether you are grocery shopping, standing in line at the school cafeteria, or picking up food from a food bank, you should be able to do so without fear of discrimination,” said Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services Deputy Under Secretary Stacy Dean, according to the USDA announcement. “No one should be denied access to nutritious food simply because of who they are or how they identify.”

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Susan Berry, PhD, is national education editor at The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].

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7 Thoughts to “Biden Admin Ties Federal Funds for School Lunches to Gender Identity”

  1. Chuck

    “He who has the gold makes the rules.”

  2. Do transsexuals get 2 meals – one for the male and one for the female in them?

  3. JakkiK

    This is the year 2022, remember it well. This is the year that the Democrat Party, along with the President and Vice President of the United States of America, waged an all out war against the children of this country.

    ** Abortion, the taking of innocent life
    ** Trying to use our public schools to Sexually groom our children
    ** When they got opposition to the Grooming, The President is going to take away Free Lunches for non-compliance, starving children
    ** The Biden Administration orchestrated the baby formula shortage, thus starving babies in this country
    ** Teaching children that if they are white they are automatically racist, and if they are black they are automatically victims

    Now they are implementing a new grading system in schools according to race. A 60 is a D, 3 kids of different races all get a 60, White kid gets a D, Hispanic a C, and Black a B.

    How is this helping black students. You are letting teachers get away with NOT teaching the regular curriculum to black students so they
    understand. So under this plan, a black student could get a 50 on every test. which would be a complete failure, and end up a C average student.
    This student has now failed, and does NOT get an education. The teachers fail, because they did not teach the black students. How can the Democrats justify not teaching black students? They want to keep their future voters, stupid is why, and beholden to them for their very existence. This shows you that they care nothing for any of your children. Wake up people. The Democrats are not the friends of anyone but themselves.

  4. Annie

    “Whether you are grocery shopping, standing in line at the school cafeteria, or picking up food from a food bank, you should be able to do so without fear of discrimination,” said Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services Deputy Under Secretary Stacy Dean, according to the USDA announcement. “No one should be denied access to nutritious food simply because of who they are or how they identify.” This person is a freaking idiot. What school is going to deny a child who identifies as another gender access to food. No one. What they ARE doing with this law is saying if you don’t bow to the godless and wicked gender ideology forced on grade schoolers then the poor kids won’t get fed. So gender identity now trumps those children living in poverty. So much for caring about poor kids who rely on school lunches. This is absurd.

  5. Linda

    Wow, the FEDS are going to make children be unsafe while using the bathroom because males born w/ male genitalia who decide to be females, but still have male parts, want to go to the bathroom w/ girls?? What for??? – In Virginia this happened and a male who dressed up as a female and said he was transgender, used the girls bathroom and raped a little girl. The judge did nothing and this male went to another school and said he was transgender in order to gain access to the girl’s bathroom. Guess what??? He did it again – ramped a poor little innocent child. I believe he was allowed to post bail and go home, for a 2nd time, after committing this crime on 2 children. I think the only way to prevent this kind of thing from happening is to home school our children, feed them at home and supervise them at home so the “WOKE” teachers and school leaders have no rights to spoil our children’s lives any further. If some have to work join groups – our children deserve to be safe, FREE and unindoctrinated into the communism that “WOKE” crazies are trying to empower. The majority of American’s DO NOT want to live in a communist society, but DO want to live in a country where we are allowed those freedoms and rights guaranteed to our citizens in our Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc.

  6. 83ragtop50

    Why are my tax dollars being used to pay for school lunches in the first place? Just another tentacle of socialism woven into our everyday lives.

    1. Linda

      I agree. Our tax dollars are being used to do a lot of things we don’t know about including horrific experiments on animals by Fauci, paying $3 million a day to guard the “wall” supplies that have already been paid for that the border states have been told they can’t use, infant formula for illegals, but none for American citizen’s babies – I guess they want all of our babies to succumb as there is no formula available, so what are they supposed to eat??? This is just a few and there are many many more that we aren’t told.
